Family Dental Worcester MA|Healthy teeth are a vital part of your child’s overall health. Besides helping their appearance, teeth help your child to talk and eat.
Routine dental care, both at home and at the dentist office, helps ensure proper oral health habits that will serve your child into adulthood and the rest of their lives.
Poor dental care results in problems like tooth decay and gum disease. In terms of family dental Worcester MA residents rely upon teamwork between the parents and their dentist.
It will come as no surprise that the chief dental threat among preschoolers is tooth decay.
- By the time they have reached the age of two, 10% of children already have at least one cavity.
- About one-quarter of children have at least one cavity by age three.
- By five years old, almost half of children have at least one cavity.
Teaching your child proper dental habits is the best way to protect their teeth and smile. Just a little encouragement and coaching will help them quickly adopt good oral health habits that last a lifetime.
Naturally, young children do not always have the self-control and concentration needed to maintain good dental care at home. So they will need your encouragement and supervision so that they use their toothbrush properly, helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Your family dental in Worcester MA can also provide helpful tips!
Preventing tooth decay among children is vital, and a big part of this is routine dental exams and cleanings. A substance called plaque can accumulate on teeth if your child should miss a spot when cleaning their teeth. Eventually, plaque hardens into tartar.
When this happens, tooth enamel can be destroyed by acids produced by dental plaque. This eventually leads to tooth decay and the need for expensive dental work.
The good news is that exams and cleanings afford your family dental Worcester MA an opportunity to examine your child’s teeth and spot any signs of trouble at an early stage. After their routine dental exam, a dental hygienist will use special dental tools to remove any plaque or tartar from your child’s teeth to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
A dental exam for a child includes different dental procedures. At times, your dentist may take x-rays to look for signs of dental caries and monitor the growth of your child’s teeth. If any problems are detected during the dental exam, your family dental Worcester MA may recommend treatments like dental sealants and fillings.
Some parents mistakenly believe that dental exams are an unnecessary expense. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, these routine checkups can actually save you money over time. They allow your dental team to detect potential problems at an early stage when intervention is far less expensive.
If you have been putting off your child’s routine dental exams and cleanings, we strongly encourage you to contact our family dental in Worcester MA today.