What Is a Dental Emergency?

Dr. Monica Gobran & Associates pecializing in Implants, Invisalign, and Sleep Apnea | What Is a Dental Emergency?

Worcester Dental Emergency

Mouth injuries include teeth that have been forced out of position, loosened teeth, fractured, or even knocked-out teeth. In addition, mouth injuries may include cut gums, cheeks, or lips. These situations may be painful and need to be treated with urgency by a professional dentist.

On the other hand, not all injuries need emergency dental care. In some situations, you may be able to wait for a scheduled appointment. Learn how to identify a dental emergency below and contact us today.

Most Common Dental Emergencies

A Worcester dental emergency, as said earlier, varies. Even so, they usually comprise of a broken tooth or severe pain in the mouth. Common causes of dental emergencies include the following;

  • Broken tooth
  • Swelling and bleeding of the gum
  • Gum abscesses
  • Pulp abscesses
  • Pain on biting, usually due to infections or cracked tooth
  • Trauma to the tooth as a result of an accident
  • Inflammation around the wisdom teeth

Infection and Inflammation

Pulpitis is an infection or inflammation of the pulp or the nerve of the tooth. People with this condition often experience pain when they eat hot or cold foods. Depending on your situation, you may be recommended to have a root canal treatment.

Abscess, on the other hand, means that your gum has a localized collection of pus usually caused by an infection. Root canal treatment or gum treatment is likely to be recommended. An inflammation that has spread to the surrounding tissues is called Cellulitis. Patients with Cellulitis are prescribed for antibiotics until the swelling is controlled. From there, the primary source of the inflammation is treated through either root canal treatment or an extraction.

Pericoronitis, similar to cellulitis is an inflammation that surrounds erupting wisdom teeth. Treatment includes irrigation. In a case of Pericoronitis where cellulitis is also present, antibiotics will also be prescribed.

There is a need for one to get treatment from a skilled emergency dentist who will also diagnose the problem. Never ignore or self-prescribe medicines to resolve the issue because you may find that the treatment option does not solve the problem or it completely has nothing to do with the dental problem.

Fractured and Damaged Teeth

Fractured teeth are also a typical dentist emergency. They are categorized into three that that is, minor fracture, moderate fracture, and severe fracture. The basic first aid to give someone with a fractured tooth before rushing them to a dentist would be: Rinse their mouth using warm water Tell them an ice pack or cold compress if they have swollen teeth. It reduces the swelling Use ibuprofen instead of aspirin for pain

Minor Fracture

This type of injury can be smoothed by the dentist or just left alone. The tooth can also be restored with a composite restoration. Treat it with care for several days after the treatment.

Moderate Fracture

This is a fracture that damages the enamel, the pulp, or the dentin.

Severe Fracture

This means traumatized teeth and has lean chances of recovery.

Learn More

Dental emergencies require urgent assistance from a qualified and skilled dentist. Contact Dr. Monica Gobran should you experience any dental or gum tissue concerns. Our team will advise you of your next step. Simply call us. Likewise, an appointment can be made online here. New patients are always welcome!

Our dental office offers various treatments including the following:

  • Dental Exams
  • Teeth Cleanings
  • Gum Disease Treatment
  • CEREC Crowns
  • Dental Implants
  • Bridges
  • Dentures
  • Fillings
  • Teeth Whitening
  • And More!
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Dr Monica Gobran