Comparing Tooth-Colored Fillings to Traditional Amalgam Fillings

When it comes to dental fillings, patients have numerous alternatives which include tooth-colored fillings and the traditional amalgam type. At DrGobran, we offer both forms of fillings depending on what you want. This article will compare tooth-colored fillings vs traditional amalgam fillings discussing advantages, disadvantages and other issues to help you decide better.

Understanding Tooth-Colored Fillings

1.1 Composition and Appearance

Tooth-colored filling material is made out of a combination of plastic and glass materials known as composite resins that are designed to mimic your natural tooth shade for seamless aesthetic outcomes.

1.2 Common Uses of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Such composites appear in shades similar to those of your teeth making them suitable for use in cavities visible in your mouth especially the front ones; they can even be used when teeth only have minor cracks.

Understanding Traditional Amalgam Fillings

2.1 Composition and Durability

Traditional amalgam fillings consist of different metals like tin, copper mercury, silver among others which make them very durable hence appropriate for back teeth restorations where chewing force is maximum.

2.2 Common Uses of Amalgam Fillings

Itโ€™s common knowledge that these types of filling materials last long so molar or premolar cavities are filled with them especially when under heavy stress; they also serve well because they are cheap.

Comparing Aesthetic Considerations

3.1 Tooth-Colored Fillings

The beauty behind these types is that their color mixes with the natural shade of your enamel without any detectable difference hence this would be a good choice for anterior teeth areas over other alternatives like silver based bonding agents.

3.2 Amalgams Fillings

Amalgams on the other hand being metallic stand out more due to their shiny bright colouration; this despite having a higher strength level though not preferred much by customers who rely on aesthetics.

Comparing Durability and Longevity

4.1 Tooth-Colored Fillings

Although they are usually very tough, tooth-colored fillings may not be as long-lasting as amalgam ones especially when placed at sites of heavy loads from biting stresses; thus they tend to require occasional repair or replacement.

4.2 Amalgam Fillings

They are known to be very strong and can last for many years without any damage thereby the preference over others like those which resemble the enamel in terms of their mechanical properties is due to this feature; no wonder itโ€™s a favourite for areas with hard chewing.

Considering Cost and Insurance Coverage

5.1 Tooth-Colored Fillings

Due to the material used and more complex placement techniques adopted, tooth colored filling materials cost higher than silver amalgams generally; your insurance company may offer some benefits on these treatments hence learn about it first before deciding anything else.

5.2 Amalgam Fillings

Again, these types are often less costly and could be compensated by health plans if there is one for them so that its limitations make them ideal options when looking forward to replacing decayed back teeth away from sight.

Making an Informed Decision

Discussing Your Options

Here at DrGobran, we will help you explore all your choices including different types of dental filling materials depending on what you want. However, let us enlighten you regarding the pros and cons of the two so that you can decide wisely between tooth-colored fillings vs traditional amalgam fillings.

 Considering Your Preferences

The choice of a filler might depend on esthetics along with durability, expenses but also personal desires as well; ultimately our team will help identify what suits best both your oral healthcare and budgetary needs.

In order to safeguard your dental health, making a choice on the right filling material is crucial. DrGobran can offer you both traditional amalgam fillings and tooth-colored ones that will give you all the opportunities to get optimum outcome. To find out more about the filling materials and make well-thought-out decisions for your smile, book a consultation with us if there are any doubts or anything else you want to know about.

The decision on what kind of filling material is appropriate is an important one in terms of maintaining dental health. At DrGobran, we have two types of dental fillings which include white composite fillings and old fashioned silver amalgam fillings hence providing freedom of choice . You can arrange an appointment with us if you would like to obtain more information about different types of filling materials and their suitability for your smile before making such a choice.