Worcester Dentist: What Is Preventive Dental Care?


Worcester Dentist|Preventive dental care is more than about just dental exams and cleanings, although they are extremely important. And itโ€™s more than even brushing and flossing regularly. More than anything, preventive dental care is an attitude. An attitude that recognizes that problems that are prevented or detected at an early stage are more easily dealt with. Therefore, keeping up with your Worcester dentist appointments are very important, but so is maintaining an attitude of prevention.


Brushing and flossing is mostly about forming a good health habit. It has been said that to form a habit that lasts, you must repeat it for at least 30 days. Many of the tasks that we perform on a daily basis are done almost automatically. So when you have formed the habit of brushing and flossing, it should stick with you without any need for prompting. You need to be brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing once daily. Brushing removes food and sugars from your mouth that would otherwise feed oral bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing ensures that food debris is also removed from in between teeth where a toothbrush canโ€™t always reach. Recommended by your Worcester dentist.


  • Inspect your toothbrush periodically to look for frayed bristles. If found, replace.
  • Replace your toothbrush periodically, such as every three to six months.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft to medium bristles, as hard bristle brushes can be too harsh.


One often neglected aspect of oral health is the impact that your diet has on it. We all know that sugar is bad for teeth. But thereโ€™s something even worse: carbonated sodas. While an occasional indulgence is fine, these beverages combine unhealthy sugar with acidity. So the acidity wears down the teeth and allows sugar to come into even closer contact with them for a one-two punch.


When you are away from home for a long time, such as when you are at work or a social function, you may not always have access to your toothbrush. If you should have a meal or snack at those times, it helps to rinse your mouth out with water afterwards to rinse away much of the food, sugars and food particles.


Other than keeping up with your diet, and brushing and flossing at home, the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease is to stay current with your dental exams and cleaning appointments. Although you may be great at brushing and flossing, you can always miss a spot. Plaque can quickly turn into tartar that can only be removed by your dental hygienist during a cleaning appointment.


Letโ€™s face it. Preventive dental care is an often boring routine that you perform on a daily basis. Itโ€™s about doing the little things. Over and over. But weโ€™re sure that youโ€™ll agree that this type of boredom is far preferable to the โ€œexcitementโ€ of a root canal procedure or treatment for gum disease to keep your teeth from loosening and falling out. If you are not current with your dental exam or cleaning visits, we strongly encourage you to get back on track by making an appointment with your Worcester dentist today.