How Dental Bonding Can Fix Minor Imperfections in Your Smile

Dental Bonding

Everybody wants to have a stunning smile and so do we but unfortunately, some minor imperfections tend to suppress our desire to smile. Whether itโ€™s having a small gap between your teeth or a small chip, or even a slight discoloration, these can easily be corrected with the application of dental bonding. In this post, I will describe the procedure and the process it entails, my experience with it and why I think it is one of the most effective ways to improve anyoneโ€™s smile. Letโ€™s become better acquainted with that wonderful procedure, dental bonding, which can change yours for the better!

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a technique used to improve a patientโ€™s smile, which requires a special tooth-colored composite resin material that is applied directly to the toothโ€™s surface. This technique is useful in the rectification of a range of problems such as:

ยท         Chips or cracks

ยท         Open spaces between two teeth

ยท         Changing color stains

ยท         And even an uneven shape of a tooth

My First Encounter with Dental Bonding

The first time I knew of dental bonding was at a consultation with DrGobran. I had a very small piece of one of my front teeth chipped off and it disfigured me, diminishing the beauty of my smile. DrGobran explained to me that the aesthetic defects of the broken front tooth could be corrected by dentistry which made me curious about this interdisciplinary field.

Steps involved in the Dental Bonding

Many people find the dental bonding procedure easy, and most procedures can take place in a single clinic visit. This is how it usually happens.

1. Initial Consultation

At the initial consultation, Dr.Gobran will take a look at your teeth and will talk to you regarding your teeth issues. You can determine at this step if the selected method of dental bonding is suitable for you.

2. Shade Selection

Once we decided on dental bonding, there was the next step which was the selection of the shade of resin that would closely match my natural teeth. This is why a large amount of resin selection is prepared so that there is a good and natural appearance.

3. Preparation of the Tooth

Etching the tooth means ‘to prepare the tooth for placement of the bonding material’. Such a thing is done to ensure that the resin will have a tighter grip. In this portion of the procedure, Dr.Gobran ensured that I was very calm, which in turn helped soothe my anxiousness.

4. Application of the Bonding Material

Tooth colored resin is then applied on the surface that has been prepared. Dr Gobran worked on satisfying my needs whereas, I positioned my focus on myself and what was happening to my body. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to morph the material into various forms in such a short time.

5. Curing the Bonding Material

Once the resin was placed, a special light was employed to cure the material. This curing process is what enables maximum adhesion bonding and if done right, the bonding becomes more tenacious. Thereafter, the doctor polished the bonded area so as to make sure that it didnโ€™t look different from the rest of the teeth.

6. Final Touches

Finally, DrGobran assessed my bite and performed all necessary changes so that everything was in place and comfortable. I came out of the office, and low and behold, rejoiced in the feel and the look of my newly bonded smile.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

Through my experience, I have come to appreciate and state with confidence that dental bonding has its share of rewards to the persons interested in enhancing their smile. Here are some of the benefits that I learned about:

1. Quick and Convenient

Perhaps one of the most outstanding benefits of dental bonding is that it’s normally able to be done in one appointment. Such is ideal for many of our busy lifestyles and schedules. I was glad that I could just go in, and a couple of hours later, come out with one really beautiful smile.

2. Minimally Invasive3

Considering other cosmetic dental treatments, dental bonding is more of a conservative procedure. There is no need to carry out extensive drills or even reduction of the tooth which was a relief for me. DrGobran reiterated that there should be as much preservation of the original tooth structure as is possible.

3. Cost-Effective

While other cosmetic procedures may range in cost, it is very likely that dental bonding will cost less. I considered it a practical treatment to enhance my smile as it was within my budget yet did not compromise quality.

4. Natural Appearance

Resin used when performing dental bonding can be designed to match the color of your naturally existing organ, which makes it a discreet way of rectifying flaws. I was very happy with how the tooth that is bonded with the other teeth blended in so well with the rest of the smile.

5. Durability

Provided that you handle the bonding properly, it may last a few years. DrGobran told me to keep good teeth hygiene and not to bite on hard things to protect the bonding so that it would last longer.

Caring for Bonded Teeth

Following my bonding treatment, I realized that maintenance of bonded dentition was necessary to ensure that it would stand the test of time. Below are some of the tips which I found useful:

1. Practice Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing daily is important for the health and maintenance of the bonded teeth. I made it a point to utilize a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride containing toothpaste to safeguard my teeth as well as the bonded parts.

2. Come for Regular Dental Visits

Regular visits to DrGobran helped in assessing the status of my bonded teeth and identifying bonding techniques that would fit my individual needs. Regular check-ups help to provide appropriate treatment of issues that may arise.

3. Stay Away from Staining Foods and Drinks

Even though the resin used in dental bonding is stain resistant, it would be wise to avoid too many drinks and foods that contain pigments such as coffee, tea, and red wine. It helped if I drank a lot of water after having these beverages.

4. Donโ€™t Use Teeth For Other Purposes

Using your teeth to bite on packages or hard objects such as bone may excessively weaken the bonding. DrGobran advised me not to do such among other things in order to be able to preserve my bonding as long as possible.

When to Think About Having Dental Bonding

If you walk into a cosmetic dentist office offering dental bonding services, the following patient characteristics will inform the practitioners that it is the right service:

ยท         You have small pieces of teeth that are chipped or cracked.

ยท         You want to fill in spaces between your teeth.

ยท         You have already made attempts at white bleaching but your teeth are still being colored.

ยท         You have some teeth whose shape is not normal and need reshaping.

Getting A Second Opinion

It is important to seek advice from a dentist such as DrGobran in order to formulate the best treatment for your case. After a careful examination, it will be determined whether dental bonding is suitable or something else will be used.

This method of fine tuning oneโ€™s smile is quite cheap and effective especially where the flaws are few. This procedure went very well for me and the expectations I had were surpassed in every way possible. If enhancement of your smile and restoration of your confidence is appealing, then consider this procedure.

In case you want individual treatment as well as professional recommendations, feel free to contact DrGobran. Their commitment to patient satisfaction and devotion to providence of quality services helps you achieve that beautiful smile you have always wanted. Donโ€™t forget, a beautiful smile is only an appointment with the dentist for a dental bonding procedure!